Bhavik (ભાવિક) R. Shah [he/him] is a thought provoking activist, speaker, writer, and consultant at the intersections of mental health, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Bhavik channels his Gujarati South Asian immigrant roots, bisexual identity, and adolescent depression to challenge various social archaic norms. Bhavik's persistent advocacy and vulnerable storytelling continues to empower BIPOC communities to use their voices and demand equity in their respective environments - as well as hold organizations accountable to evade performative allyship surrounding authentic inclusion and mental health. His work across the US & UK have resulted in various publications and awards from renowned platforms such as Forbes, Thrive Global, This Can Happen, Inside Out, Working Mums UK, and Make a Difference.

Connect with Bhavik Shah
Bhavik Shah

Bhavik Shah

Award winning Mental Health & DEI Workplace Advocate. Exploring new curiosities, while challenging social convention. Contact me at